On behalf of our community, I can proudly say that the majority of members who find our Facebook page are relieved, satisfied and content to have discovered a ‘safe’ and friendly place to vent, share experience, find friendship and educate themselves. Since our community began, I have been inspired by this and have dedicated much of my spare time inviting others into our kinship, with my own initial quest for answers in mind. However, without help from the members also inviting, reaching 36,000 members would never have been possible.
Unfortunately, due to recent Facebook updates, it is now harder to ‘spread the word’ as only page administrators are able to send invites to their friends. It seems that Facebook is more determined than ever to make page owners pay to advertise.
Sharing the page has always been a personal choice made by the individual. Only once have I asked members to invite friends, as part of Awareness month in 2010. I find nothing more annoying than ‘nagging’. (lol)
So, this week, I have been conjuring methods to get around this ‘dead-end‘ in awareness.
Our support on Twitter has always been greatly appreciated. Every discussion gets Re-Tweeted and each week we get dozens of ‘Follow Friday’ mentions. Many members have found us through Twitter and I would like to send my sincere thanks for the support of all followers.
Creating this blog has also been beneficial, as readers get an insight as to what the community is about. I have thoroughly enjoyed reflecting on the past three years and our journey of learning together. Again, I would like to thank those on Twitter who have been forwarding our posts.
Overall, I am pleased to say that modern methods of awareness has opened up many paths of delivering a world of resources to those still searching.
Thank you to everyone who spares their time in helping others to find friendship by sharing our page, all across the world.
Forever Grateful.
Gem. :)